Friday, July 10, 2020
Medical And Health Workers Union Of Nigeria donates 60,000 plus PPEs, as over 400 health workers contract Covid-19*
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Court Jails Airtel Customer Service Representative For Diverting Customer’s Messages To A Fraudster’s Number
A Magistrates’ Court in Igbosere, Lagos, on Tuesday sentenced a customer service representative of Airtel Nigeria Ltd, Jeremiah Mustapha, to five years in correctional centre, for facilitating a N2.2 million fraud.
Mr Mustapha, 32, was arraigned on June 14, 2017, alongside one Nurudeen Salimu, 35, on a nine-count charge bordering on conspiracy, stealing, fraud and diverting messages from a phone number to another.
They pleaded not guilty and were granted bail.
However, the second defendant became mentally incapacitated and could not continue with the trial.
The Magistrate, A. G. Omoyele, in handing down the verdict, sentenced Mr Mustapha after finding him guilty of five of the nine-count charge preferred against him by the police.
The magistrate sentenced Mr Mustapha to one year on each of the five counts and ordered that the sentence should run concurrently.
She did not give the defendant an option of fine and ordered that the sentence should take effect from the day of sentencing.
Earlier, the Prosecutor, Cyriacus Osuji, told the court that the duo and others at large committed the offences on October 10, 2016, in Lagos.
Mr Osuji, a police sergeant, said the first defendant used his position as the in Airtel Nigeria Ltd and diverted all short messages service (sms), alerts and calls from an Airtel no. 0802384XXXX, belonging to one Kazeem Dele, to a fraudster’s phone number.
The prosecutor said that the defendant unlawfully disconnected all network services linked to the Airtel number without the consent of the owner.
“The number swap aided the second defendant to steal the sum of N2.2 million from the Skye Bank account of the complainant.
“The second defendant forged the signature of the complainant, falsely represented himself as the owner of the account and withdrew the said sum from the account,” Mr Osuji said.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
COVID-19: Sarah Omakwu Family Worship Centre, Abuja Donates Medical equipment and PPEs worth millions of Naira to University Of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Treatement Centre.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Journalists Leaders Launch The Congress of African Journalists
Monday, June 22, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Livelihoods of more than 55 million domestic workers at risk due to COVID-19
COVID-19: Protecting workers in the workplace
On the ninth anniversary of the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, new ILO estimates reveal the risks facing domestic workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nearly three-quarters of domestic workers around the world – more than 55 million people – are at significant risk of losing their jobs and income due to lockdown and lack of effective social security coverage, according to new estimates by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The vast majority – 37 million – of these domestic workers are women.
An assessment made at the beginning of June shows that the most affected region was Southeast Asia and the Pacific, with 76 per cent of domestic workers at risk, followed by the Americas (74 per cent) Africa (72 per cent) and Europe (45 per cent).
While domestic workers in both formal and informal employment have been affected, those in informal employment accounted for 76 per cent of those at risk of losing their jobs or working hours.
In countries with strict levels of lockdown, domestic workers, whether formally or informally employed, have been unable to go to work. But while some of those formally employed still had access to unemployment insurance, for domestic workers in informal employment staying home has meant losing their livelihoods with no safety net to fall back on, making it difficult for them to put food on the table.
“The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the particular vulnerability of informal domestic workers, emphasizing the urgent need to ensure they are effectively included in labour and social protection."
Claire Hobden, ILO Technical Officer, Vulnerable Workers
The pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing issues. Only 10 per cent of domestic workers have access to social security, meaning no paid sick leave, guaranteed access to health care, employment injury benefits or unemployment insurance. Many domestic workers earn as little as 25 per cent of average wages, leaving them without savings in case of a financial emergency.
“The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the particular vulnerability of informal domestic workers, emphasizing the urgent need to ensure they are effectively included in labour and social protection” said Claire Hobden, ILO Technical Officer, Vulnerable Workers. “This disproportionately affects women who make up the vast majority of domestic workers worldwide.”
In some regions domestic workers are predominantly migrants who rely on their pay to support their families in their countries of origin. Non-payment of wages and the closure of remittance services has left the families of migrant domestic workers at risk of poverty and hunger.
Live-in domestic workers have mostly continued to work, in confinement with their employers. However, reports suggest they have worked longer hours due to school closures and are carrying out more demanding cleaning tasks.
In other cases employers have stopped paying their live-in domestic workers, due to their own financial circumstances or a belief that domestic workers do not need their salaries since they cannot go out.
In some countries, where migrant domestic workers are required to live with their employers, some have been found on the streets after their employers dismissed them for fear of catching the virus. This puts them at risk of trafficking.
The ILO is working with domestic workers’ organizations and employers’ organizations to ensure the health and livelihoods of domestic workers. It is undertaking rapid assessments of the level and nature of the risks facing them, so that governments can devise policies that guarantee at least basic social security coverage, including access to essential health care and basic income security.
Twenty-nine countries have ratified ILO Convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers, which was adopted nine years ago by the International Labour Conference. Many more have taken concrete measures to extend labour and social protection coverage to domestic workers. The ILO has supported roughly sixty countries to close gaps in coverage.
While these measures have increased the number of domestic workers in formal employment, the overall rate of informality remains high. The ILO has called for efforts to formalize domestic work to be urgently accelerated in order to protect domestic workers from future shocks.
U.N. On the world of work and covid-19
- Policy Brief:The World of Workand COVID-19JUNE 2020UNDER STRICT EMBARGO UNTIL 04:00GMT (06:00 CEST) on Friday 19 June 2020
- THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................21. GLOBAL CONTEXT: THE WORLD OF WORK BEFORE COVID-19 ..................52. THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE WORLD OF WORK ...............................73. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................15CONCLUSION .....................................................................................................24Table of Contents
- 2 THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the worldof work upside down. It is having a dramaticeffect on the jobs, livelihoods and well-beingof workers and their families and on enter-prises across the globe, particularly the smalland medium sized. While certain sectors andindustries have successfully moved online,pointing the way towards exciting innovationsin the world of work, millions of workers havelost their livelihoods and many more – espe-cially women who are concentrated in highlyexposed sectors – remain at risk. As with somany aspects of this pandemic, the impactsare falling disproportionately on those whowere already in precarious circumstances andwho can least absorb the additional blow.Measures necessary to mitigate the impactsof the COVID-19 virus have had signicantknock-on effects on societies and econo-mies. By mid-May 94 percent of the world’sworkers were living in countries with sometype of workplace closure measures in place.1Massive losses in working hours which areequivalent to 305 million full-time jobs arepredicted for the 2nd quarter 2020, while 38percent of the workforce – some 1.25 billionworkers – is employed in high-risk sectors.2The impacts of these developments vary consid-erably between groups of people and countries,depending to a large extent on pre-existinginequalities and government interventions.Those toiling in the informal economy – oftenwithout rights at work and social protections –suffered a sixty percent decline in earnings inthe rst month of the crisis alone. Young peopleaccount for more than four in ten employedglobally in hard-hit sectors. Combined withdisruptions in education and training, thisplaces them at risk of becoming a ‘lockdowngeneration’ that will carry the impacts of thiscrisis with them for a long time. Women are dis-proportionately employed in critically affectedsectors such as service, hospitality, tourism andare also impacted by the shifting of economicactivity into the domestic sphere, where theycarry the majority of increasing levels of unpaidcare work.3Small and medium-sized enterprises– the engine of the global economy – are suf-fering immensely and many may not recover. Asis the case for the entire crisis, those living indeveloping countries and fragile contexts facethe most dramatic risks or have least resilience.The near-term prognosis is worrisome. Manyof those people who have lost their jobs andtheir livelihoods in recent months will not beable to re-enter labour markets any time soon.This is particularly the case for women, whomay be disproportionately amongst the rstout and the last to return, due to gender dis-crimination and precarious working conditions,Executive Summary
- THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19 3including low wages, increased care burdensand opportunity costs of working, especiallygiven the gender pay gap, as well as existingobstacles to the formal economy. Persons withdisabilities, already facing exclusion in employ-ment, are also more likely to experience greaterdiculties returning to work during recovery.The long-term impacts are also of concern.These challenges will have a severe impact onefforts to reduce poverty and inequality, put-ting SDG achievement further at risk. They alsorisk adding fuel to an already burning re ofdiscontent and anxiety in the world of work.Despite its promises, globalization – perhapsthe most dening feature of the world economyover the last several decades - and has notalways beneted all people and economies. Inmany countries, income inequality has beenrising steeply since the 1980s. The global labourincome share was 51.4 percent in 2017, downfrom 53.7 percent in 2014, while the remainingcapital share increased4. Before the crisis hit,7.1% of the world’s workers were living in extremepoverty5. Women were almost half as likely tobe employed as men and were overrepresentedin low-paid, unprotected jobs. 267 million youngpeople were not in employment, education ortraining6. 107 countries excluded workers fromthe right to establish or join a trade union.7At the same time, the current crisis shows howmuch economies and labour markets dependon each other. This interdependence shouldbe redened going forward to generate amore inclusive and sustainable world for all.COVID-19 also accelerated certain trends, par-ticularly digitization and the move to remotework, in some cases auguring a promisingfuture of greater exibility and sustainability.But fears also grew regarding the downsidesof imminent effects of new technologies onthe future of work, as new technological inno-vations underpinning the Fourth IndustrialRevolution, such as network technology, BigData, 3-D printing, articial intelligence androbotics, transform the very nature of workand risk deepening gaps and inequalities.In the face of all these trends, there isa risk that massive unemployment andloss of income from COVID-19 could fur-ther erode social cohesion and destabilizecountries in both the North and the South,socially, politically and economically.Policy ResponsesThis policy brief presents the stark conse-quences of COVID-19 in an already precariousworld of work and provides practical optionsto recover better. The pandemic is causingimmense pain, suffering and anxiety for peo-ple across the world. Workers and businessowners face a particularly uncertain future. Butwith smart timely action at all levels, a focuson decent and productive employment, and the2030 Agenda as our compass, we can emergefrom this crisis stronger, together, with betterjobs and a more equal and greener future. Tominimize the impact of this crisis on workersand businesses, governments, partners andinternational organizations have taken a rangeof bold measures. Over 170 countries, forexample, have allocated a total of $9 trillion toscal stimulus plans. Building on these stepsand in order to accelerate the transition to amore inclusive, and sustainable and resilientworld, large-scale and proactive policy actionsshould be pursued in the following three areas.
- 4 THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-191. PROVIDE IMMEDIATE SUPPORT FOR AT-RISKWORKERS, ENTERPRISES, JOBSAND INCOMESUrgent steps are required in the short-term toavoid enterprise closures, job losses and incomedecline and mitigate the shift in work and labourinto the domestic sphere. Interventions shouldbuild on existing institutions, while steeringworkers and enterprises towards sustainabledevelopment for a better and stronger recovery.2. ENSURE A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACHTO RETURNING TO WORKCombatting the pandemic and restarting theeconomy are not competing priorities. On thecontrary, they must go together. Returning towork does not mean giving up on protectingthe health of workers or forgoing hard-wongains to supress the spread of the virus. Andprotecting health does not mean keeping enter-prises and economic activity locked down.Policies should ensure that both happens atthe same time. A holistic view will be neededas key decisions are taken. For instance,decisions on reopening schools should con-sider prospects on care provision that willlikely hamper women’s return to work.3. CREATING DECENT AND PRODUCTIVEJOBS FOR A GREEN, INCLUSIVE,AND RESILIENT RECOVERYThe world of work will not and should notlook the same after this crisis. The fragilitiesand fault lines exposed by the crisis need tobe tackled. What is needed is a coordinatedglobal, regional and national effort to cre-ate decent and productive jobs for all as thefoundation of a green, inclusive and resilientrecovery. In doing so, demographic shiftsin ageing societies as well as the transitiontowards climate neutral economies, which sawincreased support from wide parts of societiesbefore the crisis began, need to be considered.Decisions taken now will have dramatic impli-cations for current and future generations.
- THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19 5The world of work before COVID-19 was rid-dled with inequalities and problems.9Only 57percent of people of working age (3.3 billionpeople, 1.3 billion women and 2,0 billion men)were employed. 188 million were unemployed10.The majority of those with a job worked inthe informal economy, most without rights atwork, without social protection and earninglow wages that trapped them in poverty. Forinstance, more than 85 percent of African work-ers were informally employed and informalitywas also the reality for the majority of peoplein Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.Informal employment was particularly highamong women (62 percent), and dominant inagriculture and services. Skills mismatches1. Global Context:The world of work before COVID-198FIGURE 1: GLOBAL LABOUR MARKET INDICATORS BEFORE COVID-19Working-age population: 5.7 billionYouth working-age population (15-24 years): 1.2 billionNote: Persons in time-related underemployment are employed persons whose working time is insucient in relation to a more desirableemployment situation in which they are willing and available to engage. The potential labour force consists of people who were actively seekingemployment, were not available to start work in the reference week, but would become available within a short subsequent period (unavailablejobseekers), or who were not actively seeking employment but wanted to work and were available in the reference week (available potentialjobseekers). Young people in employment may simultaneously be in education or training.Source: ILOSTAT, ILO modelled estimates, November 2019.Employed: 3.3 billion (57%)2 billion informal (35%) 1.3 billion formal (22%)Time-relatedUnderemployment:165 million (35%)Youth in employment:429 million (36%)Youth in education or training (not employed):509 million (42%)Youth not in employment,education or training:267 million (22%)Unemployed:188 million (40%)Potentiallabour force:119 million (25%)Total labourunderutilization:473 millionOut of labour force: 2.3 billion (39%)
- 6 THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19were a common challenge all over the world.Involuntary temporary and part-time work, aswell as new forms of work, were on the rise, lead-ing to a feeling of increased insecurity amongstworkers and enterprises, especially micro, smalland medium sized enterprises (MSMEs).Some groups of the population were par-ticularly disadvantaged and the next chap-ter elborates on how those groups havebeen further affected by COVID-19.For example, youth unemployment rateswere about 3 times as high as those of adultsbefore the crisis hit.11More than three out offour of the world’s young workers had informaljobs prior to the onset of the crisis comparedwith 60 per cent of adults aged 25 and above.And around one-fth of young people world-wide, or 267 million young people, were notin employment, education or training (NEET).This gure reached almost 40% for youngwomen in lower-middle income countries.12Persons with disabilities faced signicantexclusions in all areas of the world of workbefore the crisis: the employment-to-populationratio of persons with disabilities aged 15 andolder was almost half that of persons withoutdisabilities. Employed persons with disabilitiestended to earn lower wages than their counter-parts without disabilities. Lack of accessibleworkplaces and reasonable accommodationposed further obstacles in the employmentof persons with disabilities. In most countriessocial protection systems offer little supportto persons with disabilities and their fami-lies – only 28% of persons with signicantdisabilities have access to disability benetsglobally, and only 1% in low-income countries.
- THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19 7Policymakers responded decisively to COVID-19with necessary measures to slow the spreadof the virus and to save and protect lives.Lockdowns and other restrictive measuresto contain the pandemic have had a devas-tating impact on already weak labour mar-kets, as well as production and consumption.Altogether 94 percent of the world’s workersare living in countries with some type of work-place closure measures in place (gure 2).Trade, foreign direct investment, and globalsupply chains are being interrupted with direeffects for production processes and associated2. The impact of COVID-19 on theworld of workFIGURE 2: EMPLOYMENT IN COUNTRIES WITH WORKPLACE CLOSURES0%01-Jan 09-Jan 17-Jan 25-Jan 02-Feb 10-Feb 18-Feb 26-Feb 05-Mar 13-Mar 21-Mar 29-Mar 06-Apr 14-Apr 22-Apr 30-Apr 08-May 16-May10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%The shares of employed in countries with required workplace closures for some sectors or categories of workers and recommended workplaceclosures are stacked with that of those in countries with required workplace closures for all but essential workplaces.Source: International Labour Organization (ILO) COVID-19 Monitor, 4th Edition, 27 May 2020Share of the world’s employed living in countries with required workplace closures for all but essential workplacesShare of the world’s employed living in countries with recommended workplace closuresShare of the world’s employed living in countries with required workplace closures for some sectors or categories of workers
- 8 THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19jobs. Where social protection systems wereweak or absent, millions of people have beenleft without an income. Unemployment isalready skyrocketing in many countries andhours worked in all countries and regions areestimated by the ILO to have fallen dramat-ically by 10.7 percent in the second quarterof 2020 relative to the last quarter of 2019,which is equivalent to 305 million full-timejobs (assuming a 48-hour working week).13The pandemic has exposed inequalities andsocial ssures in societies that are hitting hardthe most vulnerable and marginalized groups.14As a result, multidimensional poverty andinequality are likely to increase signicantly.15Revised estimates from the World Bank sug-gest that the number of people living in povertycould increase by 70-100 million, which wouldbe the rst increase in poverty since 1998, from632 million people in 2019.16The number ofthose remaining poor even though they workis estimated to increase by up to 35 million.17Sectoral risksGlobally, around 38 percent of the workforce– some 1.25 billion workers - is employed inhigh-risk sectors (table 2). These sectors areEstimated percentage drop in aggregate working hours compared to the pre-crisis baseline(4th quarter 2019, seasonally adjusted)World1st quarter 2020 2nd quarter 20201st quarter 2020 2nd quarter 20201st quarter 2020 2nd quarter 2020Lower-middle income countriesUpper-middle income countriesHigh-income countriesAfricaAmericasArab StatesAsia and the PacicEurope and the Central AsiaLower-income countriesFIGURE 3. DROP IN WORKING HOURS IN THE FIRSTAND SECOND QUARTERS OF 2020 IS SEVERE4.8% 10.7%8.8%11.4%9.9%12.2%9.5%13.1%10.3%10.0%12.9%1.7%1.7%1.7%1.9%2.1%8.8%6.5%3.0%2.3%Source: International Labour Organization (ILO) COVID-19 Monitor, 4th Edition, 27 May 2020
- THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19 9Economic sectorCurrentimpact ofcrisis oneconomicoutputBaseline employment situation(global estimates for 2020 prior to COVID-19)Level ofemployment(000s)Share inglobalemployment(percent)Wage ratio (av.monthly sectorearnings/av. totalearnings)Share ofwomen(percent)Education Low 176560 5.3 1.23 61.8Human health and social workactivitiesLow 136244 4.1 1.14 70.4Public administration anddefence; compulsory socialsecurityLow 144241 4.3 1.35 31.5Utilities Low 26589 0.8 1.07 18.8Agriculture; forestry and shingLow-Medium*880373 26.5 0.72 37.1Construction Medium 257041 7.7 1.03 7.3Financial and insuranceactivitiesMedium 52237 1.6 1.72 47.1Mining and quarrying Medium 21714 0.7 1.46 15.1Arts, entertainment andrecreation, and other servicesMedium-high*179857 5.4 0.69 57.2Transport; storage andcommunicationMedium-high*204217 6.1 1.19 14.3Accommodation and food service High 143661 4.3 0.71 54.1Real estate; business andadministrative activitiesHigh 156878 4.7 0.97 38.2Manufacturing High 463091 13.9 0.95 38.7Wholesale and retail trade;repair of motor vehicles andmotorcyclesHigh 481951 14.5 0.86 43.6TABLE 1: WORKERS AT RISK: SECTORAL PERSPECTIVESource: International Labour Organization (ILO) Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work, 3rd Edition, 29 April 2020. * - denotes sectors that includesub-sectors that have been affected in different ways. For example, parts of manufacturing have been hit hard (e.g. automobile industry in Europe), whileother segments less so.
- 10 THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19labour intensive and employ millions of oftenlow-paid, low-skilled workers. Workers in the foursectors that have experienced the most “drastic”labour market effects of the disease and fall-ing production are: food and accommodation(144 million workers), retail and wholesale (482million); business services and administration(157 million); and manufacturing (463 million).Tourism-related activities make a large con-tribution to GDP and employment in manyregions. Directly or indirectly, tourism activitiesprovide about 10 percent of all employment18.Since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, inter-national tourism has practically stopped.The majority of the workforce is employed inMSMEs, which have been disproportionatelyFIGURE 4: GENDER DIFFERENCES REGARDING THE IMPACTOF THE CRISIS IN THE INFORMAL ECONOMYWorld High risksectorsMedium-highrisk sectorsMedium risksectorsLow-mediumrisk sectorsLow riskSignicantlyimpactedMen 32 12 16 39 2Women 42 11 2 40 4High incomecountriesHigh risksectorsMedium-highrisk sectorsMedium risksectorsLow-mediumrisk sectorsLow riskSignicantlyimpactedMen 47 17 23 7 6Women 51 18 5 5 22Upper middleincome countriesHigh risksectorsMedium-highrisk sectorsMedium risksectorsLow-mediumrisk sectorsLow riskSignicantlyimpactedMen 39 13 17 29 2Women 56 14 2 25 4Lower middleincome countriesHigh risksectorsMedium-highrisk sectorsMedium risksectorsLow-mediumrisk sectorsLow riskSignicantlyimpactedMen 31 12 15 40 2Women 37 9 3 49 3Low incomecountriesHigh risksectorsMedium-highrisk sectorsMedium risksectorsLow-mediumrisk sectorsLow riskSignicantlyimpactedMen 17 7 8 67 1Women 28 10 2 60 1Source: International Labour Organization (ILO) Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work, 3rd Edition, 29 April 2020
- THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19 11affected.19Across the world, women make upmost workers in the tourism industry, espe-cially in the low-wage part of this sector.Table 1 and gure 4 only classify sectors by thecurrent risk (meaning the early phases of thiscrisis). However, over time some of the sectorswill see an increased risk. Agriculture for exam-ple provides livelihoods to more than one billionpeople worldwide and remains the backboneof many low-income countries, accounting for60.4 percent of employment and contributingup to two-thirds of gross domestic product insome countries. This sector risks losing jobsand livelihoods due to longer-term disruptions intrade and supply chains with devastating impacton already high poverty rates in rural areas20.In terms of occupational health risks, the hard-est-hit workers are all those who are involved inessential production and services sectors thatcontinue to work, often without the necessarysocial distancing, protective equipment andother OSH related measures. These frontlineworkers deserve special attention from gov-ernments to ensure maximum protection.Informal economyworkers hit hardest21Informal economy workers are particularly vul-nerable to lockdown measures. Their earningsin the rst month of the crisis are estimated tohave declined by 60 percent globally (around 80percent in Africa and Latin America). The rate ofrelative poverty, which is dened as the propor-tion of workers with monthly earnings that fallbelow 50 percent of the median earnings in thepopulation, is expected to increase by almost 34percentage points globally for informal workers.These massive income impacts among informalworkers should be seen along with their greaterexposure to health and safety risks as their workinvolves strong interaction with co-workersor customers, while lacking adequate protec-tion, such as masks or hand disinfectants.Moreover, in many developing countries, MSMEsalso operate predominantly in the informalsector. Given the diculties of their formal-ization through business registration in thebest of times, many MSMEs will not be able toaccess assistance packages during the crisis.Care workWorkers in care sectors, between 60 and 70percent of which are women, are a particularlyvulnerable group of workers, with low wages,often informally employed and with little rec-ognition.22Many of them have had work ceaseor were particularly vulnerable to health risks(e.g., care workers for older people as keep-ing a physical distance is not possible).Unpaid care work, where women performedmore than three times as much as men beforethe crisis, has increased during the pandemiclockdowns, further constraining women’s accessto employment and impacting physical andmental health stressors. In addition, femalecare workers who try to combine the addi-tional duties at home with the request for longshifts at work have to carry a disproportionedpart of the societal burden of this crisis.23Enterprises at riskThe effect of the crisis on micro, small andmedium enterprises is especially severe becauseof higher levels of vulnerability and lower resil-ience related to their size. Over 50 percent ofsmall and medium enterprises in OECD coun-tries could fail over the next few months24. A
- 12 THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19widespread collapse of MSMEs that are theeconomic backbones and main job providersin many countries will have a strong impact onnational economies and global growth pros-pects, on perceptions and expectations, andeven on the nancial sector, which may alreadybe under strain as a result of non-performingportfolios. In some countries, a deterioration ofthe nancial situation of MSMEs could have sys-temic effects on the banking sector as a whole.25Approximately 47 million employers, some 54percent of all employers worldwide, operatebusinesses in the hardest-hit sectors of manu-facturing, accommodation and food services,wholesale and retail trade and real estate andbusiness activities26which account for morethan 30 percent of GDP on average.27An addi-tional 389 million own-account workers areengaged in these four sectors. Taking togetheremployers and own-account workers, some436 million enterprises worldwide are operat-ing and working in the hardest-hit sectors28.While small economic units around the globeplay a major role as providers of jobs, particu-larly in low and middle-income countries,29andparticularly for women,30they often lack accessto credit, have few assets and are the least likelyto benet from scal measures in general andthe current crisis related stimulus packages.Hardest-hit groupsIn addition to the impacts associated withunpaid care work outlined above, women areoverrepresented in the service sectors hit by thepandemic, such as retail, accommodation andfood services, and domestic work. On the whole,almost half of all pre-crisis women workers areat high risk of being hit by the crisis. This dis-advantage is unique to the COVID-19 crisis andattributable to the concentration of women inservice provision sectors, which are hardest-hitby lockdown measures. This is particularlythe case in Northern America and in Europe,where more women than men are employed inat-risk sectors. Emergency and recovery meas-ures should take these gures into account.Young people are affected disproportionallyduring any crisis and even more so during thecurrent crisis. Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 178 million youth around theworld, or more than 4 out of every 10 youngpersons employed globally, were working inwholesale and retail trade, manufacturing,accommodation and food services and otherservices, including real estate, which have beenhit hard by the crisis. Education and training ofyouth has been severely disrupted31. The latestlabour force data reveals that unemploymentfor young people, particularly young women,has increased more and at a faster pace thanfor prime-age adults. Due to these effects, therisk of a “lock-down generation” is high. Someeconomic policy responses – such as scaland monetary policies, bailouts and tax relief,mortgage freezes, waivers of interests on stu-dent and business loans – are not designed toaddress the particular needs of young people.The virus is not just threatening the lives andsafety of older persons, but it is also threateningtheir social networks, their access to health ser-vices, their pensions and their jobs.32The incomeand employment impacts will be large giventhat, at a global level, the share of older personsin the labour force has increased by almost 10percentage points in the past three decades33.This increase was often the result of economicnecessity, particularly since less than 20 percentof older persons of retirement age receive a pen-sion in many developing countries, so losing thisoption will lead to increases in old-age poverty34.
- THE WORLD OF WORK AND COVID-19 13Refugees and migrant workers have beenparticularly affected by the economic conse-quences of the virus. They tend to be concen-trated in sectors with high levels of temporary,informal or unprotected work characterised bylow wages and lack of social protection, includ-ing in care work.35For many migrants, losingtheir jobs not only has direct implications fortheir own income situation but will also leadto declines in remittances. Getting their jobsback will be further hindered through the lossof visas, work or residence permits and renew-als.36Refugees, meanwhile, often struggle withlegal access to labour markets, inclusion innational social protection responses, accessto nancial service and credits, and freedom ofmovement. For many refugees, loss of incomehas led to an inability to meet basic needs.There are over 67 million domestic workersworldwide, 75 percent of whom are workinginformally, 80 percent are migrants and thevast majority are women. These workers playa key role in ensuring the health and safety ofthe families and households for which theywork, from cleaning ad cooking, to caring forchildren, the ill and the elderly. Their physicalproximity to the families in their care put themat an elevated risk of exposure to COVID-19.This risk is compounded when they care forthe ill, have long commutes on public trans-portation, or work for multiple households.If they become ill, many domestic workersdo not have access to health care, sicknessbenets or employment injury benets.37Labour market vulnerabilities are worsening formany other groups, including persons with dis-abilities, indigenous peoples and members ofdisadvantaged ethnic groups, refugees, inter-nally displaced people, smallholder farmersand others. New business models, such as theplatform and gig economy with non-standardemployment relationships or alternative workarrangements, also tend to be characterized byreduced benets and protection for workers.The massive number of low-skilled-low-wageworkers also carry a higher risk of being hitby the crisis. Data is scarce but reports fromdifferent sources, and evidence and experi-ence from past crises leave no doubt that theimpact on all of them will be devastating.Risks aheadThe economic shock of this crisis, withimpacts on both the supply and demandsides of economies, is not just a questionof a short-term disruption of growth pat-terns but rather risks becoming an unprec-edented global economic contraction, withdevastating impacts on employment.The translation from the short-term impacttowards a long-term economic recession is theresult of a vicious spiral (gure 5) that kicksin when measures taken to retain jobs arenot quick and big enough, with consequentlyhigh un- and under-employment. As a result,economies will be faced with reductions inconsumption (through lower labour income)and production. Extended unemployment willalso have a long-lasting impact on labour sup-ply through losses in workers’ capabilities.All this will further suppress aggregatedemand and supply, with a severe negativeimpact on poverty and inequality and possibleconsequences for social cohesion (evidentin some cases where debates about recov-ery have become divisive). We have seen inmany developing countries that poverty andenvironmental degradation come together.